Described the review points of MMA Consumable, Described the expendable of MIG/MAG welding?, Define the baking temperature of consolidated fluxes, Define the worth of typical grade, Which part with most influence on haz hardness, Define the code Recommendations for attachment of argentiferous material,
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Described the review points of MMA Consumable, Described the expendable of MIG/MAG welding?, Define the baking temperature of consolidated fluxes, Define the worth of typical grade, Which part with most influence on haz hardness, Define the code Recommendations for attachment of argentiferous material,
Code &Standarad used for the classification of attachment expendable of MMA method. Classification of attachment expendable for coated conductor for MMA attachment (EN ISO2560)(Superseds baccalaureate nut 499)
Described the review points of MMA Consumable?
1=Size (Wire diameter and length)
2=Condition(Cracks.chips and concentricity)
3=Type-specification (Correct specification/code)
4= Storage (Suitably dry and warm-preferably third humidity)
Described the expendable of MIG/MAG welding?
GAS kind method
Used For
Pure inert gas
Spray or pulse attachment terribly stable arc with poor penetration and low of metallic element alloys .
Spatter levels.
Pure greenhouse emission magazine Dip transfer attachment of smart penetration unstable arc and high level
Argon+5-20% greenhouse emission. magazine
Dip Spray or Pulse smart penetration with a stable arc and low level
attachment of Steels. Of spatter.
Argon+1-2% O2 magazine
Spray or pulse attachment
Active additive offers an honest liquidity to the liquefied or greenhouse mission of Austtentic or ferritic unsullied,and improves toe mix. Steel only.
Define the attachment expendable of SAW method?
There square measure traditional 2 kind expendable of SAW process 1=Fused 2=Agglomerated.
Define the baking temperature of consolidated fluxes?
The baking temperature of consolidated fluxes is >1000 C'.
Define the worth of typical grade?
Tensile strength,Elongation%,Toughness (joules),Toughness testing temperature.
Which part with most influence on haz hardness?
Carbon is most influence on haz hardness.
Define the code Recommendations for attachment of argentiferous material?
Recommendations of code for attachment of argentiferous material is baccalaureate nut 1012-2 .
What is the explanation of action cracks happens ?
Solidification cracking occure once 1=Weld metal contains a inclined chemical composition.
2= Weldin conditions used offer Associate in Nursing unfavourable bead form.
3= High level of restraint or tensile stresses gift in weld space.
What is that the defination of lamellar tearing?
Lamellar tearing is the style of cracking that happens solely in plate or alternative rolled merchandise beneath a weld.
What is the characteristics of lamellar tearing?
Cracks solely happens within the rolled merchandise eg plate and sections.
most typical in C-Mn steel.
Cracks sometimes type near to,but simply out facet of the HAZ.
Cracks tend to lie parallel to surface of the material(and the fusion boundary of the weld),having a stepped facet.
Which specific areas weld repair are often devided?
Weld repair are often devided into 2 areas 1> Production 2>In-service.
What square measure the most style of the distortion? Distortion happens in severl ways(longitudinal shrinkage>transverse shrinkage>angular distortion>Bowing &Dishing> Buckling.
Which is that the best thanks to bar the distortion by design?
We will stop the distortion by (>elimination of attachment >weld placement > reducing the amount of weld meatel.>Reducing the amount of runs >use of balanced attachment.
What is the which means TMCP?
Thermo-mechanical controlled process.
What is the temperature of answer annealed?
Solution hardening temperature is 1100C' once.
What is the hardening temperature of steel?
The hardening temperature of steel is 900C' and funky in chamber.
What is the most important edges of reducing residual stress to making sure HAZ hardness isn't too high?
That is major edges like a> Improve the resistance of the joint to btittle fracture.
Improve the resistance of the joint to fret corrosion cracking.
allows welded joints to be machined to correct dimensional tolerances.
Which material is solid solution unsullied steels?
304 and 316 material is solid solution unsullied steels.
What square measure the four facets of arc attachment safety that the visual attachment inspector got to consider?
>Electric shock >Heat and light-weight >Fumes and Gases > Noise square measure the four aspect of arc attachment safety those considar.
What is the code/standarad of attachment instrumentation calibration?
BS 7570 code of practic for validation of arc attachment instrumentation.
What is the meltiing purpose tempreture of wolfram electrode?