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The responsibilities of inspection personnel who monitor and direct

the quality control process of monolithic Refractories.

Monolithic refractories:-

Castable or plastic refractories applied by casting, gunning, or hand/

ram packing to form monolithic lining structures of any shape.

Key elements of Quality control:-

a) Documentation:- Owner specification and/or contractor execution


b) Material qualification:- Testing at independent or manufacturer's

laboratory. Inspector directs sampling, monitors specimen

preparation and witnesses testing.

c) Applicator qualification:- Contractor demonstration of capabilities

in simulated installation which is witnessed and inspected by the


d) Installation monitoring:- Inspector monitors contractor work and

test sample preparation.

Key elements of Quality control:-     API-936 STUDY MATERIAL

e) As-installed testing:- Inspector coordinates sampling and testing

of as-installed materials.

f) Pre-dry out inspection:- Inspector performs visual/hammer test

inspection of applied linings.

g) Dry out monitoring:- For dry out prior to normal start-up of

equipment, the inspector monitors heating rates and hold times.

h) Post dry out inspection:- Inspector performs visual/hammer test

inspection of applied linings.



The owner shall prepare a detailed specification. Which incude


Design details.

a)Lining products, thickness, method of application, and extent of


b)Anchor materials, geometry, layout and weld details,Suggested

color coding for metallic anchors

c) Details of metal fiber reinforcement including dimensions,

concentration, type, and metallurgy.

d) Curing and dryout procedures, including constraints on dryout


(e.g. design temperature limits and/or maximum differential

temperatures that shall be maintained to avoid damaging the unit

and/or components).

Quality requirements

Physical property requirements to be used for qualification and

installation quality control by specific product, installation method

and location where the product will be utilized.

Sampling frequency as product intended to use either abrasion

service or other service .

Required lining thickness tolerances.

Criteria for hammer testing and the extent of cracking and surface

voids permitted.     API-936 STUDY MATERIAL


The owner shall approve the engineering drawings, execution plan

and dryout procedure prior to any installation activity.


exceptions, substitutions, and deviations to the requirements of the

execution plan, this standard, and other referenced documents;

conflicts between the execution plan, this standard, and other

referenced documents.

actual or potential work deficiencies discovered and submitted by

the inspector.

The contractor shall prepare a detailed execution plan in

accordance with this standard and the requirements of the owner's

specification and quality standards.

The execution plan shall approval, and agreed to in full before work



Execution details shall include:

designation of responsible parties

designation of inspection hold points and the required advance

notification to be given to the inspector

surface preparation and welding procedures.

procedures for material qualification, material storage, applicator

qualification, installation and quality control.

curing (including the curing compound, if any , to be used) and

dryout procedures for the completed lining system.



2. Submission to the owner of all exceptions, substitutions, and

deviations to the requirements of the execution plan, this standard

and other referenced documents. Owner's approval shall be secured

before implementation of the changes.

3. Scheduling of material qualification tests and delivery of those

materials and test results to the site.

4. Scheduling and execution of work to qualify all equipment and

personnel required to complete installation work including

documentation and verification by the inspector.




5. Preparation and identification of all testing samples (preshipment,

applicator qualification, and production/ installation) and timely

delivery to the testing laboratory.

6. Advance notification to the owner of the time and location where

work will take place so that this information Can be passed on to

the inspector.

7. Execution of installation work, including preparation of as-installed

samples .

8. Provide inspector verified documentation of installation records,


product(s) being applied.

pallet code numbers and location where applied.

installation crew members (designating nozzleman and gun

operator when gunning.

mixing and/or gunning equipment utilized.

fiber and water percentages.

mixing details including time, temperature, and aging time (if


location and identity of samples taken for installation quality


shell temperatures.

weather conditions and any other unusual conditions or


dryout records.

9. Accountability for installed refractories meeting specified standards,

including as-installed testing results and lining thickness tolerance

limits .


Ensure that material and applicator qualification test results are

fully documented.

Monitor qualification, production work and dryout (when applicable)

conducted by the manufacturer and contractor to ensure

compliance with job specifications and agreed-to quality practices.

Notify the owner and the contractor of any work deficiencies or

potential deficiencies. Notification shall be made according to the

job specific requirements outlined in the procedures. Notification

shall take place as soon as possible, and shall occur within one

working day after discovery of the deficiency.

The inspector shall make no engineering decisions unless

approved by the owner.

Conflicts between the specified execution plan and the actual

installation procedures or installed refractory quality results shall

be submitted to the owner for resolution.

Inspect and hammer test installed linings before dryout and after

dryout (when possible), and report any anomalies to the owner.

Check and verify that accurate installation and dryout records are

being documented by the contractor .

Record all non-conformances and/or potential problems to which

the inspector has alerted the contractor and owner.



provide a compliance datasheet for each product.

provide material that meets the approved compliance datasheet.

provide all documentation required .

for plastic refractories, provide the minimum acceptable

workability index (per ASTM C181) for successful refractory


Inspector Qualifications

The inspector shall have no commercial affiliations with the

contractor or manufacturer(s).

The inspector shall be certified .

The inspector shall possess this standard, owner specifications,

the project execution plan, and other specific requirements

outlined by the owner, contractor , and/or manufacturer.

The inspector shall have working knowledge of these documents.

The inspector shall submit a resume documenting their experience

(including similar materials and application) to the owner for



1) Physical Property Requirements

a) Refractories applied in accordance with this standard shall be

sampled and tested to verify that the physical properties meet

intended criteria, product specific physical property requirements

shall be determined by agreement prior to material qualification.

Qualification shall be based upon the sampling/testing procedures

described in this standard.

b) The acceptance/rejection criteria for both material and applicator

qualification testing are determined by average physical properties

for each sample, which shall fully meet the criteria established for

that material .

c) Acceptance/rejection criteria for as-installed testing shall be

based upon criteria and procedures agreed to prior to work start.

The physical properties criteria shall be extended to account for

field conditions.

2 ) Storage

a) General

Refractory materials are affected by moisture, humidity and

elevated ambient temperatures. Proper storage of these materials

is critical to the development of optimal physical properties. Shelf

life is also affected by the ambient conditions. Storing refractory in

the proper conditions will enhance shelf life.

b) Weather Protection

Refractory materials shall be stored in a weather protected area.

The storage facility shall prevent moisture contact with the

refractory. Storage shall be on an elevated, ventilated platform.

Moisture shall be directed away from the refractory.

c) Temperature

Refractory materials shall be stored at a temperature of 40°F to

100°F (5°C to 38°C).

d) Shelf Life

Time limits for material tests shall set the refractory shelf life

requirements. if the manufacturer`s recommendations are more

stringen ; the manufacturer`s recommendations shall apply.

e) Discarding Criteria

Materials that exceed the shelf life shall be discarded. Packages

with broken seals or that have become damp or wet or for plastics

only ,refractory with workability index below the manufacturer`s

minimum required value shall be subject to re-qualification or


3) Packaging and Marking

a) General

Packaging of refractory is important to preserving the integrity of

the material. Markings provide valuable information to determine

the age of material, assist in establishing water content

requirements and track the placement of material as defined in the

quality control program provided by the contractor.

b) Regulations and Material Safety Datasheets (MSDS)

Refractory materials shall comply with all applicable federal,

state, and local codes and regulations on storage, handling,

safety, and environmental requirements.

The latest issue of the refractory manufacturer's compliance

datasheets, application instructions, and MSDS shall be

available at the installation site and complied with during the

installation of monolithic refractory linings.

c) Packaging

Hydraulic bonded castable

refractories shall be packaged in sealed, moisture-proof bags.

Chemical setting

refractories shall be packaged in heat-sealed plastic to assure

vapor-tight enclosure. Mechanical protection shall be provided by

cardboard, rigid plastic or metal outside containers.

d) Marking

Refractory bags or containers shall be marked with the product

name, batch number and date of manufacture clearly shown.

Refractory bags or containers shall be marked with the contained

refractory weight. The actual weight shall not deviate from the

marked weight by more than ± 2%.

The bag or container for cast, hand-packed or rammed mixes shall

be marked with the mixing instructions.

Each pallet shall be uniquely identified by pallet code number and

code date.

4) Anchors

Selection, installation, inspection and testing of anchors shall be in

accordance with the design drawings and specifications.

Qualification and Testing

a) General

Testing shall be in strict accordance with ASTM procedures as

modified below. The laboratory conducting the test procedures shall

be subject to audit and approval by the owner.

Quality control testing shall consist of density, cold crushing

strength (CCS), permanent linear change (PLC), abrasion loss (when

applicable), and workability index (plastics only). Other tests

required by the owner shall be as defined in the owner`s


b) Cold Crushing Strength (CCS)

Testing shall be in accordance with ASTM C133, and the following.

Cube loading surfaces shall be parallel to within a tolerance of ± 1 /

32 in. (± 0.8 mm) and perpendicular to within a tolerance of ± 1

degree, whether cast or gunned.

CCS shall be determined on samples that have been fired to 1500°F

(815°C) .

NOTE Green density shall be determined before drying or firing.

The loading head of the test machine shall have a spherical bearing


For cast or hand packed specimens, the load shall be applied to

either pair of faces cast against the side of the mold.

For specimens cut from a larger cast panel, an open face shall not

be used for the top or bottom (i.e. load application faces) during the


For gunned specimens, load shall be applied perpendicular to the

gunning direction, in other words, on cut faces perpendicular to the

face of the panel.

Bedding material shall be non-corrugated cardboard shims, placed

between the test specimen and the loading surfaces.

New shims shall be used for each test cube. Shim dimensions shall

be approximately 3 in. 3 in. 1 / 16 in. (75 mm 75 mm 1.5 mm) thick.

Two thinner shims making up the same total thickness may be used

in place of a single shim.

Testing machine minimum sensitivity and maximum loading rate     API-936 STUDY MATERIAL

C) Abrasion (Erosion) Resistance

Testing shall be in accordance with ASTM C704 and the following.

Fire to 1500°F (815°C)

Weigh the specimens to the nearest 0.1 g.

Abrasion shall be to an original free (not troweled, molded, or cut)


Use the silicon carbide only one time before discarding.

From the initial weight and volume, calculate the initial bulk density

to the nearest 0.1 g/cm 3 . Calculate and report the amount of

refractory lost by abrasion in cubic centimeters to the nearest 0.1 cc.

D) Density

Density shall be determined at room temperature on specimens

dried or fired .

Testing procedure shall be as follows:

measure specimen dimensions to the nearest 0.02 in. (0.5 mm) and

determine the specimen volume. Weigh the specimen to the

nearest 0.002 lb (1.0 g).

calculate density by dividing weight by volume and report in units of

pounds per cubic foot or kilograms per cubic meter.

E) Permanent Linear Change (PLC)


Testing shall be in accordance with ASTM C113 and the following.

The length of each test specimen shall be measured to the

nearest 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) along the 9 in. (230 mm)

dimension at each of the four edges of the specimen.

At room temperature, determine the green refractory dimension

by measuring the length of the specimen. For heat-setting

plastic refractories the green dimension shall be determined

After cooling to room temperature, measure the dried length of the

specimen and then fire .

After cooling to room temperature, measure the fired length of


Green-to-dried and Dried-to-fired PLC

a) General

Determine the green-to-dried and dried-to-fired PLC as follows.

Report the PLC as an average percent shrinkage in length for each

specimen to ± 0.05%.

b) Green-to-dried

Determine the green-to-dried length change of each of the four

edges of the specimen and

Divide each change by the green length of that edge. Average the

four values to obtain the green-to-dried PLC of the specimen.

c) Dried-to-fired

Determine the dried-to-fired length change of each of the four

edges of the specimen .

Divide each change by the dried length of that edge. Average the

four values to obtain the dried-to-fired PLC of the specimen.

d) Workability Index

Testing shall be in accordance with ASTM C181.

Each sample shall consist of five specimen.

Pre-shipment Refractory Qualification

a) General

Refractories to be installed by gunning, casting, or hand/ram

packing shall be tested to ensure that they comply with specified

physical property requirements .

Tested physical properties shall be density, PLC, CCS or abrasion

resistance (for abrasion resistant refractory), and workability index

(for plastic refractory)

b) Subject to owner`s approval,the contractor shall arrange for testing

at either an independent laboratory or the manufacturer`s plant and

the direct the work to assure that mixing techniques, water quality

and content, ambient temperatures, mix temperatures, etc.,

represent those needed for production installation.

The testing party is responsible for conducting sampling, specimen

preparation, testing, and documentation of results.

Pre-shipment Refractory Qualification

c) For plastic refractories, the manufacturer shall provide the actual

workability index determined seven days after manufacture and the

minimum acceptable workability index for suitable installation of

each plastic refractory supplied.

Anchoring components, including metallic anchors, ceramic anchor

attachments and ceramic components including ceramic anchors,

and tubesheet ferrules shall be certified according to the owner`s


e) The contractor shall inform the owner of testing arrangements and

timing so that the owner may notify inspector to witness or spot

check the testing.

When engaged as a witness, the inspector shall select the container

be tested and observe all sampling, specimen preparation, and


In cases where an independent laboratory utilized or the contractor

assumes complete accountability for testing results, inspector

participation may be waived or reduced by the owner.

f) Based upon the service designation, minimum testing frequency

shall be as follows:

Erosion service:- one sample per pallet or partial pallet from each

production run.

Other services:-one sample for three pallets or less from each

production run.

When the refractory is packaged in bags or other similar container,

the sampled bag shall be randomly selected.

Forming of Refractory Test Specimens

a) As directed by the contractor and subject to approval by the owner,

the entire selected container of refractory shall be mixed and test

specimens formed using metal or plastic forms of the required

specimen dimensions.

Alternatively, samples may be made to larger dimensions and then

cut to the required dimensions after 24-hour cure.

NOTE :-other similar bulk containers, a representative sample of

appropriate size shall be collected from each container at the time

of packaging of the production run.

Forming of Refractory Test Specimens

b) For cast installations, refractory shall be cast in the same manner as

the installation. For vibration cast installations, vibration shall be

used in the forming of the test specimens.

c) For pump cast installations, refractory shall be poured into forms.

d) For hand packed installations, refractory shall be hand packed.

e) For gunned installations, refractory shall be gunned to produce a

large panel.

Specimens shall be cut from the central portion of the panel (i.e.

away from the edges). Alternatively, specimens may be cast or hand

packed subject to owner approval of a suitable, product specific

correlation on the submitted product compliance datasheet to

gunned properties supplied by the manufacturer.

f) Plastic and other ramming refractories shall be formed using a

mallet or handheld pneumatic rammer.

Specimen formation using a pneumatic or ramming press, as

described by ASTM C1054, is not permitted.

Application Period

Refractory shall be applied within four months of the initial

qualification tests. If the initial qualification period is exceeded, the

refractory batch may be requalified.

Requalification permits usage for an additional three months after

each requalification test.

Refractory older than the manufacturer's recommended shelf life

shall not be used.


In the event a sample fails to meet specified requirements, it may

be retested once. The retest shall be conducted using a new sample

representing the same pallet(s) of the same batch of refractory as

the failed sample.

Use the same testing facility, testing procedure, inspector, and

inspection methods.

A different facility may be used, subject to the owner's approval.

If the retest is unsuccessful, the refractory represented by the

sample(s) shall not be used.

Qualification of Installation Procedure and


Prior to installation, the contractor shall demonstrate that the

specified quality standards will be met using the material qualified

for the job, including metal and organic fibers as applicable, and the

installation method, equipment and personnel to be utilized for the

installation work.

This shall be done by simulating the installation and sampling and

testing the applied materials as follows.

1. Pneumatic Gunning

A test panel shall be prepared by each nozzleman/gun operator

team for each refractory being installed.

The panel shall be inspected, sampled, and tested prior to

commencing the actual installation.

A test panel measuring 24 in. 24 in. (600 mm 600 mm) shall be


The panel thickness, anchors and anchor pattern shall be in

accordance with the actual installation job.

The test panel forms shall be constructed with a removable back

and sides to permit visual inspection of the installed castable.

The method of anchor attachment shall permit removal of the

forms without damage to the refractory or the anchors (e.g. use a

bolt through the form). Interior surfaces of the forms shall be

coated with a manufacturer approved releasing agent to facilitate

removal from the refractory.

The test panel shall be inclined 45 degrees above the horizontal and

supported on a frame so that the panel's midpoint is approximately

6 ft (1.9 m) above grade.

The nozzleman/gun operator team shall demonstrate their abilities

by gunning the test panel in this inclined position and testing.

At least 24 hours after completion of the panel, remove the forms

and inspect the panel for voids, laminations, non-uniformities,

entrapped rebound, or other flaws. The panel shall then be

sectioned or broken and the exposed surfaces inspected for voids,

laminations, non-uniformities, and rebound entrapment.

Test specimens shall be cut from the center of each panel and

tested physical property requirements for density, PLC, and CCS or,

where applicable, abrasion resistance .

Alternatively, with waived and measurements of the panel

dimensions and weight used to determine the green density, which

is then compared to a previously approved manufacturer supplied


Panel dimensions and weight shall be determined before the panel

is sectioned or broken.

Satisfactory examination and test results shall serve to qualify the

mixing and installation procedures and the nozzleman/gun operator


The nozzleman and gun operator shall not gun refractory materials

until they are qualified.

2 Casting

A mock-up shall be prepared by each applicator, for each mixing/

installation procedure, and for each refractory being installed.

The mock-up shall simulate the most difficult piece of the

installation work for which the subject refractory and mixing/

installation procedure will be used, or shall be of the size/shape

agreed to in the documentation phase .

The mock-up shall be inspected, sampled and tested prior to

commencing the actual installation.

The mock-up shall simulate forming and general installation

procedures, including mixing, handling/delivery to the lining cavity

and associated quality control requirements.

Installation of refractory shall be in the same orientation to be used

for the actual installation and shall simulate installation obstacles

(e.g. around nozzle protrusions and beneath overhangs), and fit-up

tolerances if work involves lining of sections to be fit-up at a later


The refractory thickness, anchors, and anchor pattern shall be in

accordance with the actual installation job.

For vibration cast installations, the mock-up shall demonstrate

the adequacy of the vibration method, equipment and means of

vibrator attachment.

For pouring and pump cast installations, only vibration that will

be used in the actual installation shall be allowed in the mock-up.

The forms shall be constructed to permit removal for visual

inspection of the refractory.

The method of anchor attachment shall permit removal of the

forms without damage to the anchors or the refractory.

Interior surfaces of the forms shall be coated with a manufacturer

approved release agent to facilitate removal from the applied


Test specimens (number, type, and preparation in accordance with

8.5) shall be prepared using material sampled from the mixes

prepared for casting the mock-up.

Specimens shall be formed in molds using the same level of

agitation as the mock-up. physical property requirements for density,

PLC, and CCS or, where applicable, abrasion resistance .

Refractory cast in the mock-up shall be cured for 12 hours minimum

prior to stripping the forms.

Remove the forms and visually inspect the refractory. The applied

lining shall be homogeneous and free of voids or segregations and

shall meet specified tolerances.

Satisfactory examination and test results , shall serve to qualify the

applicators and the mixing and installation procedures as well as

the mix water levels.

The applicator(s) shall not cast refractory linings until they are


3. Thin Layer Abrasion (Erosion) Resistant


A test panel 12 in. 12 in. 3 / 4 in. or 1 in. (300 mm 300 mm 19 mm or

25 mm), shall be packed by each applicator for each anchoring

system and refractory being installed by the applicator.

The test panel shall be inspected, sampled, and tested prior to

commencing the actual installation.

Panel thickness shall be the same as the lining to be installed.

Mixing and application techniques (for example, pneumatic

ramming, hand packing), orientation (sidewall or overhead), etc.,

shall be in accordance with the actual installation job.

The hexmetal or hexalt anchoring system(s) (as used for the actual

installation) shall be attached to a backing plate in such a manner

that the backing plate may be removed without damaging the

refractory or the anchoring system.

For hexalt systems, perimeter forms shall also be used to contain

the refractory. The backing plate (and forms, if required) shall be

coated with a manufacturer approved release agent to facilitate

removal from the applied refractory.

Examination of the panel may be performed immediately after

ramming, or within 24 hours, as directed by the owner.

Remove the backing plate and examine the panel from the backside.

The lining shall be free of voids, incomplete filling of the anchoring

system and inadequate compaction of the refractory.

Test specimens shall be prepared using materials sampled from

the mixes applied. Specimens shall be formed in molds , using the

same placement method as the test panel.

Specimens shall be tested in accordance with 8.1 for density, PLC,

and abrasion resistance.

For each batch of plastic refractories the workability index shall be

determined and shall exceed the minimum acceptable value for

installation .

Satisfactory examination and test results shall serve to qualify the

applicator(s) and the mixing and installation procedures, as well as

the mix water levels.

The applicator(s) shall not apply refractory linings until they are


4. Thick Layer Plastic Installations [Greater

Than 2 in. (50 mm)]

A test panel shall be pneumatically ram packed by each applicator

and for each refractory being installed.

The test panel shall be inspected, sampled, and tested prior to

commencing the actual installation.

The test panel shall be 24 in. 12 in. (600 mm 300 mm) with an

applied lining thickness, anchors and anchor pattern in accordance

with the actual installation job.

In the event ceramic anchors are to be used in the construction,

panel shall be large enough to properly demonstrate setting one

entire ceramic anchor assembly.

The test panel shall be constructed with removable back and sides

to permit visual inspection of the installed refractory.

Anchors shall be attached to the form in a manner that permits

removal of the backing plate without damage to the refractory or

the anchoring system.

Interior surfaces of the backing plate and forms shall be coated

with a manufacturer approved releasing agent to facilitate removal

from the applied refractory.

Test panel refractory shall be installed by pneumatic ramming in a

manner and orientation (e.g. sidewall or overhead) simulating the

actual installation.

After refractory installation is completed, the test panel forms and

backing plate shall be removed immediately and the refractory

examined from the backside.

The refractory shall be free of inadequate consolidation and voids.

The sample shall be sectioned and examined to confirm that the

refractory plastic is free of inadequate consolidation and/or voids

around the anchors.

For plastic refractories the workability index shall be determined

and shall exceed the minimum acceptable value for installation

Satisfactory results shall serve to qualify the equipment, techniques,

and applicator.

The applicator(s) shall not ram pack refractory materials until they

are qualified.

1 . Gunning (Wet or Dry Gun)

A minimum of one sample of applied refractory shall be gunned by

each gunning crew per material per shift using a wire mesh basket.

At least one sample shall be prepared for each lined item.

The basket shall be approximately 12 in. 12 in. (300 mm 300 mm)

and at least 4 in. (100 mm) deep but no greater than the installed

refractory thickness.

The basket shall be constructed of wire mesh with 1 / 2 in. (13 mm)

square openings.

1 . Gunning (Wet or Dry Gun) (contd...)

The basket shall be supported on the wall where the lining

application is proceeding, filled, and immediately removed.

All loose refractory or rebound material shall be removed from the

area where the basket was placed during sample preparation.

Production samples shall remain in the same environment as

actual production installation for the first 24 hours.

The required test specimens shall be diamond saw-cut from the

refractory applied in the basket.

1 . Gunning (Wet or Dry Gun) (contd...)

Testing for density, PLC, and CCS or, where applicable, abrasion


Alternatively, panels with enclosed sides may be used in place of

the wire baskets if the panel dimensions are at least 18 in. X 18 in.

X 4 in. (450 mm x 450 mm x 100 mm), but no deeper than the

installed refractory.

Test specimens shall be cut from the center of the panels to avoid

inclusion of rebound possibly trapped along the sides of the panels.

2. Casting

A minimum of one sample of the material being installed shall be

cast by each mixing crew per material per shift.

At least one sample shall be prepared for each lined item.

Test specimens may be formed by casting directly into molds or by

casting into larger forms and diamond saw cutting to the required

specimen dimensions after curing.

Production samples shall remain in the same environment as

actual production installation for the first 24 hours.

Vibration shall be used in casting of samples as applicable to

simulate installation work.

Testing for density, PLC, and CCS or , where applicable, abrasion


Production (As-installed) Refractory

3. Plastics and Thin Layer Erosion Resistant Linings

A minimum of one sample shall be packed by each applicator per

material per shift.

At least one sample shall be prepared for each lined item.

Test specimens (abrasion plates and linear change bars) shall be

formed directly from the refractory being installed using the

ramming technique used for the installation.

The specimen test for density, PLC, and CCS or, where applicable,

abrasion resistance.

4. Acceptance/Rejection Criteria

The average physical properties of each sample of the as-installed

refractory shall meet the criteria.

Inspector verified records shall be kept by the contractor to identify

the samples and the areas of the installed lining that they represent.

Failure to meet the criteria shall be cause for rejection of the area

of the refractory lining that the sample represents.

4. Acceptance/Rejection Criteria (Contd...)

In the event of disagreement over the installed refractory quality ,

core samples may be taken from the questionable area of the

applied lining and retested using the same test procedure and

evaluation criteria.

If the re- test is unsuccessful, the area of the lining represented by

the sample shall be replaced.

The contractor shall prepare records identifying and locating all

areas of rejected and replaced lining (e.g. a map), the reason for the

rejection, the means of repair, and the refractory used.

5 . Test Specimen Preparation

Based on the use designation the minimum number of refractory

specimens for each sample shall be as follows.

The specimen shall be cured as per specifications.

5 . Test Specimen Preparation (contd...)

Hydraulic bonded castable refractories shall be cured for a

minimum of 24 hours after placement.

During this period the exposed surfaces of the refractory shall be

covered or sealed with an impermeable coating or material.

Air-setting, phosphate bonded castable refractories shall be air

cured, uncovered, for a minimum of 24 hours after forming.

During this period, the refractory shall be protected from moisture.

Heat-setting, plastic refractories shall be allowed to air dry for a

minimum of 24 hours followed by oven drying in a form suitable for

drying temperatures.

Once refractory specimens have been fully cured, they shall be

removed from the forms, and/or cut to required dimensions.

The specimens shall be marked for identification with temperature

resistant paint (to prevent burn-off during firing).

Specimens shall be dried and fired as required by the testing


Oven drying and firing shall be as follows. a)Oven dry: hold for 12

hours minimum at 220°F to 230°F (104°C to 110°C) in a forced air,

convection dryer. Heating to this level shall be in accordance with

manufacturer's recommendations. Heat setting plastics shall be

oven dried in the forms.

Oven fire: heat at 300°F/h (170°C/h) maximum to 1500°F (815°C),

hold for five hours at 1500°F (815°C); cool at 500°F/h (280°C/h)

maximum to ambient.

Remove heat setting plastics from the molds after oven drying and

before oven firing.

For heat-setting plastic refractories, see ASTM C1054 for

procedures to remove from steel forms, drying and firing to avoid

handling damage, skinning, bloating, and surface tears.


1. Surface Preparation

Immediately before refractory installation, all surfaces to be lined

shall be cleaned to meet SSPC SP-7/NACE No. 4 standards for grit

blasting if rust, weld slag, oil, dirt, or other foreign materials are

present on the surface to lined.

If grit blast cleaning is required, anchor leg coverings (if present)

shall be removed before the grit blast cleaning.

After grit blast cleaning, the surfaces to be lined shall be vacuum

cleaned to remove all debris and new anchor leg coverings shall be


Water shall not be used for washing unless it contains a suitable


Surface cleaning in accordance with SSPC SP-3 shall be acceptable

only for limited areas such as spot grinding for repairs.

2. Water Quality

Water used for mixing in the refractory shall be potable.

The chloride content of the water shall not exceed 200 ppm.

When refractory is installed on stainless steel surfaces the chloride

content shall not exceed 50 ppm.

NOTE The 50 ppm limit does not apply when the stainless steel is

limited to the anchoring system or metal reinforcing fibers.

3. Water-contaminated Refractory

Containers of refractory exhibiting evidence of water contamination

shall be discarded.

Any individual container of refractory material containing hard

lumps (i.e. cannot be easily broken by hand) shall be discarded.

4. Preparation for Lining Installation


Refractory installation shall not begin until completion of welding,

post weld heat treatment, and pressure testing.

If the refractory installation must take place before pressure

testing, all pressure retaining weld seams shall remain unlined, i.e.

exposed to the testing medium.


b) Lining Penetrations

Structural members, nozzle extensions, and other items within the

limits of the lining shall be wrapped with 1 / 8 in. (3 mm) thickness

of a nonabsorbent material to prevent moisture absorption from, or

bonding to, the refractory lining. The wrapping shall be taped

smoothly into place.

c) Openings

Openings shall be closed by means of sealed wood or metaljacketed plugs, slightly tapered (smaller toward the shell), and of

such dimensions to fit snuggly into the openings.

Surfaces of the plugs shall be lightly coated with a manufacturer

approved release agent or covered with plastic to prevent bonding

to the refractory.

Plugs shall not be removed from the openings or disturbed until at

least 24 hours after the refractory installation.

d) Obstructions

Obstructions (e.g. scaffolding) that could interfere with the

satisfactory and continuous application of the refractory lining shall

be avoided.

Nozzle Necks

Insulating refractory in the nozzle neck shall be cast or hand packed

to within 1 in. (25 mm) of the inside of the shell or head to which it

is attached. The remaining 1 in. (25 mm) shall be installed

monolithically with the shell lining.

Voids or spaces to be packed with ceramic fiber blanket insulation

(e.g. annular space in nozzles equipped with inner sleeves) shall be

completed before the installation of refractory.

Nozzles shall be packed to a point flush with the inside face of the

shell. After nozzle packing, the ceramic fiber density shall be at

least 8 lb/ft 3 (64 kg/m 3 ).

Ceramic fiber blanket insulation shall be used only where

specifically shown on the approved drawings.

Anchor Preparation

Anchors shall be cleaned of spatter and foreign materials before

refractory is installed.

For multilayer linings, anchors for the hot-face layer shall be

protected and kept free of all backup refractory and foreign material

before application of the hot-face layer.

If anchor leg coverings are required, placement of the coverings

shall be confirmed immediately before refractory placement.


e) Equipment Cleaning

Mixers, guns, conveyors, hoses, and all other equipment shall be

thoroughly cleaned before use.

Equipment shall be cleaned at each material change, shift change,

and more often if buildup of castable takes place.

Cleaning is required between each mix of phosphate-bonded


For non-phosphate bonded refractories, the cleaning interval shall

be such as to prevent buildup of refractory materials on the mixer

internals (including the drum). For low-moisture (low-cement)

mixes and other refractories sensitive to water content, excess

water shall be removed after each batch.

All tools used in mixing, transporting, and applying the refractory

lining shall be cleaned after each batch and kept free of all

deleterious materials.

f) Site

The work area shall be kept clean and protected to ensure that

lining installation can proceed in an orderly manner without

incorporating dirt, debris, rain, or other deleterious material into the


5. Application Temperature

The temperature of the air and shell at the installation site shall be

between 50°F and 90°F (10°C and 32°C) during refractory

installation and for 24 hours thereafter . Shading and enclosure

shall be used to protect against extremes in temperature, sun

exposure, and weather (e.g. wind and rain). 9.5.2 For cold weather

conditions, heating and/or external insulation may be used to

maintain temperatures above the minimum requirement.

For hot weather conditions, shading, water spraying the unlined

surface and/or air conditioning may be used to maintain

temperatures below the maximum requirement.

Temperature limits for refractory and mix water shall be in

accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. In the absence

of manufacturer's mix temperature limits, mix temperature shall be

between 60°F and 80°F (15°C and 27°C).

6. Gunning

a) Dry Gunning

Pre-wet the refractory by mixing with water prior to charging into

the gun. Pre-wetting reduces dusting and segregation and helps

avoid plugging in the feed hose. Optimum water addition, mixing

time, and aging of the pre- wetted material shall be in accordance

with the manuf the applicator qualification testing.

Gunning equipment shall provide a smooth and continuous supply

of water and material to the nozzle and shall not contribute to

laminations, voids, rebound entrapment, or other deleterious effects

in the installed lining.

Shotboards or perpendicular edge cuts shall be used to terminate

work areas. When stoppages greater than 20 minutes are

encountered, or initial set is determined by the inspector, only full

thickness lining shall be retained.

Begin gunning at the lowest elevation, building up the lining

thickness gradually over an area of not more than 10 ft 2 (1 m 2 ) to

full thickness. Work in an upward direction to minimize the inclusion

of rebound. Rebound material shall not be reused.

Downhand gunning beyond 30 degrees below horizontal is

prohibited. The refractory shall be placed by an alternative

placement technique such as casting, hand packing, or repositioning

to avoid downhand gunning.

Shotboard height and/or depth gauges shall be used for thickness

measurement. After gunning and confirmation of sufficient

coverage, the refractory shall be trimmed (cut-back) in a timely

manner with a serrated trowel or currycomb.

Cut-back shall be performed when the surface is not damaged by

the cut-back techniques (15 to 20 minutes after placement is typical)

, and before initial set occurs.

Interrupted build-up of lining thickness is not permitted after the

initial set, defined as either the surface being exposed for more

than 20 minutes or becoming dry to the touch, whichever occurs


b)Wet Gunning

Wet gunning is a unique installation procedure that requires

specialized equipment and a different skill set than is common in

refractory installation. When wet gunning is established as the more

suitable installation technique the contractor, in conjunction with

the refractory manufacturer, shall prepare a detailed installation

procedure, and present it to the owner for approval.

All quality control elements defined in this standard shall apply to

the application of refractory by wet gunning.

Optimum water addition at the mixer, mixing time, and the rate of

flocculating agent addition shall be in ons and the applicator

qualification testing.

Gunning equipment shall provide a smooth and continuous supply

of material and flocculating agent to the nozzle and shall not

contribute to laminations, voids, or other deleterious effects in the

installed lining.

Shotboards or perpendicular edge cuts shall be used to terminate

work areas. When stoppages greater than 20 minutes are

encountered, or initial set is determined by the inspector, only full

thickness lining shall be retained.

Begin gunning at the lowest elevation, building up the lining

thickness gradually over an area of not more than 10 ft 2 (1 m 2 ) to

full thickness. Work in an upward direction.

Shot board height and/or depth gauges shall be used for thickness

measurement. After gunning and confirmation of sufficient

coverage, the refractory shall be trimmed (cut-back) in a timely

manner with a serrated trowel or currycomb.

Cut-back shall be performed when the surface is not damaged by

the cut-back techniques (15 to 20 minutes after placement is typical)

, and before initial set occurs.

Interrupted build-up of lining thickness is not permitted after the

initial set, defined as either the surface being exposed for more

than 20 minutes or becoming dry to the touch, whichever occurs


present it to the owner for approval. All quality control elements

defined in this standard shall apply to the application of refractory

by wet gunning.

Optimum water addition at the mixer, mixing time, and the rate of

flocculating agent addition shall be in accordance with the

manufacturer`s recommendations and the applicator qualification


Gunning equipment shall provide a smooth and continuous supply

of material and flocculating agent to the nozzle and shall not

contribute to laminations, voids, or other deleterious effects in the

installed lining.

Shotboards or perpendicular edge cuts shall be used to terminate

work areas. When stoppages greater than 20 minutes are

encountered, or initial set is determined by the inspector, only full

thickness lining shall be retained.

Begin gunning at the lowest elevation, building up the lining

thickness gradually over an area of not more than 10 ft 2 (1 m 2 ) to

full thickness.

Work in an upward direction.

Shot board height and/or depth gauges shall be used for thickness

measurement. After gunning and confirmation of sufficient

coverage, the refractory shall be trimmed (cut-back) in a timely

manner with a serrated trowel or currycomb.

Cut-back shall be performed when the surface is not damaged by

the cut-back techniques (15 to 20 minutes after placement is typical)

, and before initial set occurs.

Interrupted build-up of lining thickness is not permitted after the

initial set, defined as either the surface being exposed for more

than 20 minutes or becoming dry to the touch, whichever occurs


7 .Casting

Forming shall be sufficiently strong to support the hydraulic head of

wet refractory that will be retained and to resist any imposed

mechanical loads, such as vibration. The forms shall be waterproof

and leak free.

Dimensional tolerances shall meet specified requirements.

A manufacturer approved release agent shall be used to facilitate

stripping of the forms.

Refractory shall be mixed using the procedures, equipment, and

water levels demonstrated in the material and applicator

qualification tests.

For casting and vibration casting, the mixer capacity shall be

sufficient to facilitate placement with no more than 10 minutes

delay between successive mix batches.

For pump casting, mixer capacity shall be sufficient to allow for

continuous pump operation without stops and starts to wait for


For vibration casting, two or more vibrators shall be mounted

externally on the equipment or component to be lined.

Vibrators shall be attached by strapping or a similar method; do not

attach vibrators to nozzles, welded lugs, or other components.

Vibrators shall have adequate force to move and consolidate the

material being vibrated.

Each vibrator shall be independently controlled to focus the

vibration and prevent segregation due to over vibration.

Vibrator selection, number, placement, and method of attachment

shall be included in the installation procedure, approved by the

owner and demonstrated in the mockup casting

For pouring or pump casting, submersion vibrators or rodding may

be used to aid refractory flow and filling of the formed enclosure.

Self-leveling castables shall not be vibrated.

8.Thin Layer Abrasion (Erosion) Resistant Linings

General Chemical setting, erosion resistant refractories shall be

mixed in a planetary mixer, such as those manufactured by Hobart .

The mixer shall have stainless steel paddles and bowls. Tools shall

also be stainless steel. Mixing shall be in strict accordance with the

manufacturer's recommended procedures, using water levels

determined during material and applicator qualification testing.

Refractory shall be compacted using a handheld reciprocating

pneumatic rammer, or a rubber mallet, and/or wood block as

demonstrated in the applicator qualification tests.

During placement, refractory shall be fully compacted in and around

the anchor supports and, for hexalt anchoring systems, into the

previously installed lining before it begins to set up, to form a

homogeneous lining structure free of voids and laminations.

The initially placed thickness shall be greater than the desired


The full depth of the refractory lining shall be placed in one

continuous operation (e.g. the initial placement shall completely fill

the hexmetal biscuit).

After refractory consolidation, overfill shall be removed flush with

the tops of the hexmetal or hexalt anchors using a trowel or curry

comb and discarded.

The surface shall be tamped, as necessary, to remove

imperfections such as surface tearing and pull away defects.

Water slicking of the lining surface is not permitted.

Water used to clean tools shall be dried off prior to use of the tools

on the refractory.

9) Plastic Refractories

Plastic refractories shall be installed at the manufacturer`s

recommended consistaency.

Field water addition or reconditioning is not permitted.

Reconditioning shall be performed by the manufacturer under

controlled plant conditions, and the reconditioned material shall be

fully requalified

Plastic refractory shall be removed from the container/plastic wrap

only when ready for application.

Contents shall be placed on a clean surface for cutting and/or

separating precut slices.

The work surface shall be cleaned and maintained to avoid

contaminating fresh refractory with dried-out material from

previous cutting or separating operations.

Under no circumstances shall dry or crumbly material be installed.

10. Thick Layer Plastic Linings

Plastic refractories shall be installed at the manufacturer`s

recommended consistency.

Field water addition or reconditioning is not permitted.

Reconditioning shall be performed by the manufacturer under

controlled plant conditions, and the reconditioned material shall be

fully requalified .

Plastic refractory shall be removed from the container/plastic wrap

only when ready for application.

Contents shall be placed on a clean surface for cutting and/or

separating precut slices.

The work surface shall be cleaned and maintained to avoid

contaminating fresh refractory with dried-out material from

previous cutting or separating operations.

Under no circumstances shall dry or crumbly material be installed.

Refractory shall be ram packed in successive layers of undensified

slabs laid perpendicular to the hot face using a reciprocating

pneumatic rammer.

Each slab shall be fully consolidated into a uniform mass with the

previously placed slab, compacting the material in and around the

anchor supports to form a homogeneous lining structure free of

voids and laminations.

The initially placed thickness shall be greater than the desired lining


After refractory consolidation, the lining shall be trimmed to the

desired lining thickness using a trowel or currycomb.

Cutback material may be reused if the material has not been

contaminated and if workability characteristics are not diminished.

The trimmed surface shall be tamped, as necessary, to remove

imperfections such as surface tearing and pull away defects.

Water slicking of the lining surface is not permitted.

Water used to clean tools shall be dried off prior to use of the tools

on the refractory.

After plastic lining has been trimmed to proper thickness venting

shall be carried out with a pointed rod.

Shrinkage cracking shall be accommodated by the use of cut or

formed control joints at a spacing recommended by the


10 . Metal Fiber Reinforcement

Metal fiber reinforcement shall be used only when specified by the

owner .

Fiber additions shall be uniformly dispersed in the castable, without


Details of fiber dimensions, concentration, and metallurgy shall be

specified in the documentation

If metal fiber is added during installation mixing the procedure shall

be as follows: a)load castable into mixer and pre-mix;

add pre-wet or mixing water;

using a dispersing device, such as 1 / 2 in. (13 mm) hardware mesh,

sieve the fibers into the castable with the mixer operating.

11 .Organic Fibers

Organic fibers to facilitate moisture removal from refractory linings

during dryout may be used with owner approval.

Fiber addition shall be performed during manufacture of the

castable or plastic refractory.

12. Interruption of Application

If application of hydraulic bonded or chemical setting refractory is

interrupted, the refractory lining shall immediately be cut-back to

the shell between anchors with a steel trowel.

Cutback shall be made at a right angle to the shell or in accordance

to other construction joint configuration as indicated on detail

drawings.and at a location where the full refractory thickness has

already been applied.

Discard all material beyond the cut and material left in the gun,

hose, containers, and/or mixer for more than 20 minutes.

Plate surfaces shall be cleaned of all refractory lining materials.

Dislodged anchor leg coverings shall be replaced.

During the period of interruption in application, curing of the

refractory lining already applied shall be

If installation is halted for the day, all openings in the item being

lined shall be covered, closed, and sealed.

Immediately before resuming refractory application, the exposed

surface of the refractory lining to which a bond must be made shall

be cleaned of all loose refractory material, roughened, and

thoroughly wetted with water or coated with a manufacturer

approved membrane curing compound

Alternatively, a bonding agent such as a weak phosphoric acid

solution or phosphate-bonded mortar may be used.

If application of heat-setting plastic refractory is interrupted for less

than 8 hours, pre-moistened cloth or burlap shall be used to keep

the mating surface hydrated until work can progress.

13. Curing

Curing shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's

recommendation, for a minimum of 24 hours at 50°F to 90°F (10°C

to 32°C), before moving the piece, stripping the forms, or heating.

For chemical setting refractories, the lining surface shall remain

uncovered and free from contact with moisture during the curing


For hydraulic bonded castables, sealing and/or excess moisture

shall be provided in accordance with one of the following methods.


a) Apply a manufacturer approved membrane-type (non-reactive)

curing compound to all exposed surfaces before the surface is dry

to the touch. No part of the lining shall be allowed to air dry more

than 1 hour prior to the application of curing compound.

The curing compound shall be nonflammable, non-toxic, and contain

pigmentation that allows for complete visual inspection of coverage.

The compound shall burn off at a temperature of 150°F to 200°F

(65°C to 95°C).

b) Wetting the exposed surfaces with a fine mist of water spray within

one hour of installation and then at approximately 2-hour intervals,

such that all surfaces shall be maintained wet to the touch

throughout the curing period. Ensure that refractory components are

not washed out or dislodged.

c) Covering the exposed surfaces with polyethylene or a damp cloth

within one hour of installation. The covering shall be in contact with,

but not sticking to the refractory surface. If a damp cloth is used, it

shall be maintained damp throughout the curing period.


d) No coverage is required on formed surfaces as long as the forms are

retained for the full 24-hour curing period.

Plastic refractories do not require air curing. They shall be kept dry

and protected from freezing conditions prior to the initial firing.

Manufacturer`s recommendations shall be used to properly protect

phosphate bonded plastics that will remain at ambient conditions

for prolonged periods of time before heat curing.


14 .Repairs

a) General

Areas seemed defective shall be repaired.

Sections of the lining below the minimum thickness shall be cut out

entirely and replaced.

Additional material shall not be placed over previously applied

material to build up to the required thickness.

In a multilayer-lining, the hot face shall be removed without

removing or disturbing the backup lining.

The contractor shall prepare records identifying and locating all

repaired areas and field joints (e.g. a map).

The record shall include the reason for all repairs and the means of

repair along with the refractory used.

b)Repair Procedures


All proposed materials and methods of repair shall be approved by

the owner before the repair is made.

Immediately before placement of the new refractory, the sound

refractory material adjacent to the repair area shall be cleaned of

debris, roughened, and completely prewetted with potable water,

membrane curing compound, phosphate-bonded mortar, or a weak

phosphoric acid.

Anchors and shell shall be cleaned of refractory or other debris and

new anchor leg coverings installed on the anchors where applicable.

If the anchors or the attachment weld are damaged, the anchor

shall be replaced in accordance with the original installation.

c) Monolithic Lining

With the exception of surface bubble defects , unacceptable

refractory lining shall be cut at a right angle to the shell and laterally

to the acceptable lining and removed. The shell shall not be


Areas removed for repair shall have at least one anchor completely

exposed. If not, a new anchor shall be installed.

The recommended area to be removed for repair shall be sufficient

to expose three, noncontinuous anchors.

Corners shall be rounded to a smooth, generous contour throughout

the depth of the refractory.

When repair of surface bubble defects is required, they shall be

repaired by packing with a phosphate- bonded castable.

Metal fibers shall not be used in this type of repair. The surface shall

be screed flush with the adjacent refractory surface.

d) Thin Erosion-resistant Lining

Defective refractory in hexmetal lining shall require complete

removal and replacement of all affected biscuits.

a) Dryout Procedure

The contractor shall develop a dryout procedure and submit it to the

owner for approval.

The dryout s dryout requirements and the requirements of this

standard. In the absence of refractory manufacturer requirements.

The dryout procedure shall include heat up/cool down rates for all

control temperature indicators, location of and maximum

temperature difference between temperature indicators, and shall

ensure adequate flow of heated air over the entire refractory


The dryout plan for complex vessels or vessel/duct/pipe systems

which involve more than one burner, more than two flue gas exit

points or eight or more thermocouples, shall be reviewed by an

engineer experienced in dryout of complex systems.

Initial heating of refractory linings shall be performed by temporary

equipment such as portable burners or electric heating elements.

When temporary heating devices are not practical, process heating

devices are an acceptable alternative. Flame impingement and

radiant heating are prohibited.

Cold wall refractory lined components shall be dried out by heating

from the refractory hot face only, in accordance with the approved

dryout procedures.

Hot wall refractory lined components shall be dried out by

application of heat from either the inside or outside surface or by

placement within an oven and heating from both sides, in

accordance with the approved dryout procedures.

Heating shall be controlled using temporary thermocouples to

monitor gas temperatures throughout the lined area(s).

Thermocouples shall be located within 1 / 2 in. (13 mm) of the

refractory surface. Place thermocouples to detect any stagnant


When temporary thermocouples are not practical (e.g. dryout

performed as part of startup), process thermocouples may be an

acceptable alternative if they are capable of low temperature

Heating rates shall be monitored by thermocouples closest to the

heat source. The hold temperatures and durations shall be achieved

at all thermocouples including those at gas exits of the installed


Thermocouples shall also be provided to protect design

temperature limits of the unit and/or components

When cool-down is included in the dryout work scope, cooling rates

shall not exceed 100°F/h (56°C/h).

b) Dryout Schedule

Generally it is the provisions for determining safe and cost effective

dryout schedules for conventional cement bonded castables.

Dryout is the initial heating of castable refractory linings in order to

remove retained water from within the refractory without adversely

affecting its structure or physical properties.

The procedure shall be efficient and provide for cost effective

execution with minimal impact on the service factor of the process

unit in which the refractory is installed.

c) Dryout Index

Dryout is described in schedules or procedures by heating rates,

target temperatures, and hold times. For the purpose of this

standard, these requirements are based upon gas temperatures at

the surface of the lining that will see the greatest heat during


Heat sources and monitoring of gas temperatures affecting the

Refractory products with dryout requirements differing from those

defined by Table 5 shall be rated by the dryout index.

To provide a comparative basis, the dryout index shall be defined as

the duration time in hours that is required for initial heating from

50°F to 1300°F (10°C to 710°C), including recommended heating

rates and holding times.

The Index shall be based on single-layer linings 5 in. (127 mm) thick,

applied and dried out in accordance with this standard.

Details of actual heating rates and holding times within the overall

duration defined by the dryout Index shall be determined prior to

installation work

Modifications to account for greater thickness and/or dual-layer

designs shall be resolved at that time.

When drying out a unit or vessel that has multiple refractories,

schedules shall be based on the refractory or lining system that has

the longest duration requirement for the maximum thickness at

each stage of the dryout.

typical dryout schedules for conventional castable refractories with

a density of 140 lb/ft 3 (2240 kg/m 3 ) or less is as follows.

Color Coding for Metallic Anchors

1. Scope

The purpose of this color coding guideline is to provide a method for

visual identification of metallic anchors used in refractory linings by

a general alloy classification.

Only submerged anchors made of rods and castings shall be color

coded. Hexmet al and hexalt anchors used in thin erosion-resistant

linings and various designs of stud and washer anchors for ceramic

fiber linings are not included in this specification as they can be best

identified by stamping.

Identification by this method is not a sub stitute for PMI (positive

material identification) or other permanent manufacturer's

markings or labeling t so, it is not intended that the color coding will

be resistant to fading under all conditions including exposure to

high-temperature operations.

The principal purpose is to ensure identification of the alloy of the

anchor to facilitate proper installation, inspection, and storage for

future usage.

Many people are lacking color discrimination.

Users of this specification shall therefore ensure that personnel

involved in color identification are able to discriminate colors.

Marking Material Requirements

Paint shall be used for the marking of color codes. Paint is specified

for efficiency and cost effectiveness. Other marking materials, such

as dye, ink, and colored labels, are permissible provided the marking

material meets the durability, identification, chemistry, and safety


Paints used for identification markings shall be durable and of

identifying colors. Markings of the color-coded anchors shall not

fade when stored indoors in a standard warehouse.

Paint material shall be acrylic, alkyd modified acr ylic, or alkyd

enamels capable of fast drying.

Paint shall be free of cadmium, chromium, and lead. Also, the paint

shall not contain copper, tin, zinc, chloride, sulfide, and other

undesirable elements in any significant quantities.

The marking requirements described in this color codification shall

b e applied by the manufacturer (supplier or vendor as applicable)

and are supplemental to any other marking and labeling standards

and specifications under which the materials may be manufactured.

The marking(s) shall be applied after completion of all anchor heat

treatments (e.g. solution annealing).

Paints contain solvents that pose safety and health hazards. Ther

efore, paint shall be applied in fire protected, well ventilated areas.

Applicators shall wear proper respirators and other safety gear.

The surface to be color coded shall be cleaned and free of dirt,

loose scale, and oil.

Marking for color coding shall be by painting one or more stripes

onto the top part of each anchor leg.

Each stripe shall be of single solid color

For two-component anchors, such as a V screwed or welded onto a

stud, each part of the anchor shall be color coded.


Color Coding for Metallic Anchors

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