4.0 Quality Management System:
General Requirements
In order to implement the Quality Management System (QMS), HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS has developed the following matrix that identifies the process needed to ensure effective operation and control of the processes; availability of information necessary to support the effective operation and monitoring of these processes; methods of measurement, monitoring and analysis needed in order to implement those actions that will achieve planned results and continual improvement
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Quality Processes
Risk to Achieve Objectives
Internal Measurements
Contract Review
Understand requirements of the project and HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS
Failure to identify project requirements.
In-experienced personnel.
Quality Procedure for Contract Review).
Are contract requirements met.
Prepare for procurement /construction /pre-commissioning
In-experienced personnel.
Sub-contractors not hired.
HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS approved mobilization schedule.
Are mobilization schedule met.
Preparation of Quality System Documentation
Prepare quality records for procurement /construction /pre-commissioning
In-experienced personnel.
QMS quality procedures, project work instructions & inspection and test plan.
Are records prepared to prove quality requirements are met.
Project Organization & Interfaces
Identify key personnel and flow of the communication
Failure to identify required flow of communication.
Project construction & quality control organizational charts.
Are key personnel known to workers, including line of communication.
Procedure Approval Requirements
Produce & use HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS approved procedure
Failure to identify specific project requirements.
In-experienced personnel.
Quality procedure for document & data control (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS:QP -001)
Are procedures approved by HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS.
Management Review
Check if quality system is suitable, adequate and effective
Failure to identify real degree of quality system implementation.
In-experienced personnel review.
Quality procedure for management review (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS:QP-006).
Is management review conducted as per schedule.
Are problems & issues properly identified & addressed.
Selection /Control of Sub-contractors
Employ qualified & HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS approved sub-contractors
Failure to qualify sub-contractors.
In-experienced personnel selection.
Quality procedure for supplier /sub-contractor selection & approval (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP-011).
Are sub-contractors qualified for the work.
Sub-contractor Quality Procedure Review /Approval
Produce technically acceptable procedure for HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS approval
Failure to understand requirements.
Poor customer information.
Quality procedure for document & data control (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP-011).
Are quality procedure submitted on time & approved.
Qualification & Acceptance of Special Processes
Produce technically acceptable processes for HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS approval
Failure to understand requirements.
Poor customer information.
Quality procedure for contract review (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP-009).
Are special processes submitted & approved on time.
Material Identification & Traceability
Retrieve material during positive recall
Failure to identify material.
In-experienced personnel identifying materials.
Quality procedure for material identification and traceability (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP-012).
Are materials can easily be identified.
Process Control of Construction Activities
Produce acceptable products and/or services
Failure to understand project requirements.
In-experienced construction personnel.
All quality work instructions included in this quality plan, covering civil, mechanical, electrical and painting.
Are finish product or services acceptable to HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS.
Testing /Inspection Witnessing /Acceptance
Produce product in accordance with project requirements
Failure to implement and prepare records during monitoring & measuring of the product.
In-experienced personnel testing /inspection & acceptance.
Quality procedure for testing & inspection
Are product requirements have been met.
Quality Surveillance
Ensure on-going construction practice will produced product in accordance with project requirements.
In-experienced quality personnel.
Quality requirements not properly identified.
All quality work instructions included in this quality plan covering civil, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation & painting.
Are potential non-conformities prevented.
Control of Inspection, Measuring & Test Equipment
To use measurement & monitoring devices to assure conformity of work as required by the contract.
Failure to calibrate inspection, measuring & test equipment on time.
Quality procedure for inspection, measuring & test equipment (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP-014).
Are inspections, measuring & test equipment with valid calibration certificate
Field Change Control
Identify & record field changes for future reference.
Failure to prepare documentation of field changes.
Quality procedure for field change control (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP-018)
Are field changes properly documented
Waiver Requests
Secure HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS approval prior to deviation from project requirements.
In-experienced personnel.
Failure to identify activity requiring waiver request.
Quality procedure for waiver request (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP –018).
Are HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS approval secured prior to work execution
Non-conformance Control
Detect and correct non-conforming conditions in construction.
Failure to identify existence of non-conforming conditions.
In-experienced personnel.
Quality procedure for non-conformance control (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP-003).
Are non-conforming conditions in construction corrected and recorded.
Corrective Action
Eliminate causes of non-conformity and prevent its recurrence.
Failure to identify real root cause of non-conformity.
In-experienced personnel.
Quality procedure for corrective action (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP-004).
Are all corrective action taken.
Analyze Data for Preventive Action
Reduce or eliminate potential causes of non-conformities
Failure to analyze real causes of non-conformities.
In-experienced personnel.
Quality procedure for Analyze Data for Preventive Action (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP-005).
Are there repeated non-conformity in the project.
Improving QMS Performance
Provide continual improvement to quality management system.
Failure to identify objective evidence in audit findings, management review, analysis of non-conformities among others.
Quality procedure for continual improvement (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP-006).
Changes on QMS for the past one year.
Document Control
Ensure control on QMS and project documents.
Failure to comply with quality requirements.
In-experienced personnel.
Quality procedure for document & data control (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP-001).
Is there un-controlled document used within the organization.
Storage and Preservation During Construction
Preserve conformity of equipment and material during construction.
Failure to comply with written quality procedures.
In-experienced personnel.
Quality procedure for storage and preservation (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP-012)
Are there equipment and /or materials damaged during handling, storage packaging and delivery
Records, Submittals and Handover
Submit complete package to HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS.
Failure to preserve records and project documents until its handover to HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS
Quality procedure for control of quality records (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP-002)
Are all project records kept and stored in accordance with project requirements.
Are all records handover to HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS on time.
QA Audits of Construction
Determine the degree of conformity with QMS and identify non-conformities.
Failure to conduct quality audits on time.
In-experienced quality auditor.
Quality procedure for internal audit (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP-007).
Number of non-conformities
Training Competence
Provide necessary competence to personnel performing work affecting product quality
Failure to identify required training for personnel.
Quality procedure for training (HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS: QP-008)
Number of rework and non-conformities
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No direct sub-contractors will work under this project, supplier of concrete, soil testing and sub-contractors for non-destructive test on welding shall be performing work under their own quality procedure. Specific quality procedure of supplier shall be a stand-alone quality document and will be submitted to HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS for review and approval.
4.1 Documentation Requirements:
4.1.1 General:
HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS has established the following documentation for its quality management system:
· Quality policy and quality objectives
· This Quality Plan
· Documented procedures as shown in Section 9
· Planning, operation and process control documentation such as:
o Inspection & Test Plans (ITP)
o Work Instructions
o Records of internal reviews
o Inspection and test reports
o Internal / external audit reports and corrective action
o Other documentation used to ensure effective planning operation and control
· Records
o Quality Management System Procedures (See Section 9)
o Quality Work Instructions (See Section 10)
o Inspection & Test Plans (See Section 11)
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4.1.2 Quality Plan:
HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS established, documented and maintains a Quality Plan. The Quality Plan identifies the scope of the Quality Management System, and any exclusion to the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and Schedule Q. It includes procedures and documents covering work activities. It includes a description of sequences and interactions of processes that fall under the scope of the quality management system. This quality plan is exclude the requirement of design.
4.1.3 Control of Documents:
The Quality Plan, referenced procedures and inspection & test plans are controlled documents. QA/QC Manager or his designated representative (Document Controller) is responsible to ensure the initial issue and subsequent changes are acknowledged by those authorized to receive the Quality Plan.
A documented procedure has been established to control documents required for the Quality Management System. Project documents shall be maintained at HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS Abqaiq office.
QA/QC Manager and Project Manager are responsible to review all project documents for conformance to the contract prior to submitting to HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS. This review shall be indicated on each item by a signature of the person who prepare, review and approved (QA/QC Manager and General Manager) respectively. All documents submitted to HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS shall identify the action taken by the engineer. The document status shall be updated based on the response.
A document submittal log shall be maintained to track the status of transmittals to HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS.
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Only documents with red stamp issued for construction reviewed and approved by qualified and authorized personnel as required by the contract, will be used.
As-built documents shall be maintained by Document Controller at HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS Head office and Site offices. An index of as-built documents shall be maintained as part of the file. Deleted portion of as-built documents shall be marked in red line while modified section will be marked in green line. All documents shall be verified for accuracy by the Project Supervisor and shall be transmitted to HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS by the QC Supervisor / Project Supervisor at the end of the project.
Only the latest authorized issue of project documents shall be available for use by HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS personnel. Document not authorized for use, voided documents, superseded documents or obsolete documents shall be kept from use and marked “Obsolete” in red stamp, be placed in an obsolete file to prevent use.
All documents transmitted to HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS for review shall use a transmittal form which identifies the item transmitted and the action to be taken by HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS. The document submittal / status log shall be updated based on transmittal information.
The Project Manager is responsible for reviewing the contract and identifying submittals and deliverables to be transmitted to HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS. A document submittal log shall be maintained to record or track the status of submittals.
Controls shall be established to track the status of any item on the list that requires authorization or approval. These items will not be released until approved or authorized. All documents that require HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS approval prior to use will be noted in the document submittal log.
A copy of the approved quality plan, procedures and inspection & test plans for HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS use shall be available at all locations where work is undertaken for this project.
Details of how, when and where are defined in the following written Quality Procedure:
“Document & Data Control”
4.1.4 Control of Records:
A documented procedure to control the identification, storage, retrieval, protection, retention and disposition of quality records shall be established. This procedure includes the requirements of SAEP -127 “Security and Control of HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS Engineering Data outside of HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS”.
Project records shall be stored in suitable environment to prevent damage or deterioration and to prevent loss. Records shall be filed by “subject, date and file category”. Records shall be kept using plastic bound binder with front and side cover showing the records file name and numbered.
An index of project records shall be part of the file. Responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the records is assigned to Document Controller. Access to records shall be under the control of QA/QC Manager and/or his designated representatives (Document Controller and QC Supervisor). Removal of records to a location other than the immediate are where the file is located shall be restricted to QA/QC Manager. Measures to identify removed files and their current location shall be maintained.
Project Manager and/or QA/QC Manager shall identify the records to be transmitted to HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS upon completion of the project and transmit the appropriate records.
HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS records that provide evidence of conformance to requirements and of the effective operation of HVAC.MEP.CONTRACTORS’s Quality Management System shall be identified, stored, protected and retained. Retrieval shall be controlled. QA/QC Manager or department heads is responsible for identifying the records to be retained, retention time, methods of disposal and for arranging for their protection and controlled retrieval.
Details of how, when and where are defined in the following written Quality Procedure:
“Control of Records”
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