METHOD STATEMENT for Installation of Air Cooled Condensing Unit (ACCU)Scope of Work Purpose Abbreviations References International Codes Project Specification HVACMEP Standards Responsibilities Project Manager Site Engineer QC Supervisor
METHOD STATEMENT for Installation of Air Cooled Condensing Unit (ACCU)Scope of Work
METHOD STATEMENT for Installation of Air Cooled Condensing Unit
Table of contents
1. Scope of Work
2. Purpose
3. Abbreviations
4. References
4.1 International Codes
4.2 Project Specification
4.3 HVACMEP Standards
5. Responsibilities
5.1 Project Manager
5.2 Site Engineer
5.3 QC Supervisor
5.4 The QC Inspector
5.5 The Safety Engineer/Inspector
5.6 The Site Supervisor/Foreman
6. Safety
7. Procedures
METHOD STATEMENT for Installation of Air Cooled Condensing Unit+
METHOD STATEMENT for Installation of Air Cooled Condensing Unit (ACCU)Scope of Work
1. Scope of work
The scope of this method statement is to define all activities and requirements necessary for
Air Cooled Condensing Unit (ACCU), Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System
at project in
are in full compliance with project specifications, drawings and HVACMEP standards related to
installations standards, verifying
Documents comply with HVACMEP Typical Inspection Plan (HVACMEPTIP) related to installations.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this method statement is to describe the quality control procedure to be followed
During installation of Air Cooled Condensing Unit (ACCU) at Expand Dhahran Residential
Community project at Dhahran, KSA and to detail the instructions to be followed and the
documentation to be employed in order to ensure that safe installation is executed in accordance
METHOD STATEMENT for Installation of Air Cooled Condensing Unit (ACCU)Scope of Work
with the project specifications and standards.
3. Abbreviations
MS : Method Statement
HVACMEP IC : HVACMEP Inspection Checklist
HVACMEPTIP : HVACMEP Typical Inspection Plan
HVACMEPES : HVACMEP Engineering Standards
RFI : Request for Inspection
PID : Project Inspection Department
HVACMEP : HVACMEP Project Management Team
ITP : Inspection & Test Plan
METHOD STATEMENT for Installation of Air Cooled Condensing Unit
NCR : Non Conformance Report
HVACMEP : China Railway Construction Corporation
PM : Project Manager
CM : Construction Manager
PPE : Personal Protective Equipment
QA/QC : Quality Assurance/Quality Control
4. References
4.1 International Codes
§ ANSI - American National Standard Institute
§ ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
§ ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
§ ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
§ Engineers
§ NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association
4.2 Project Specification
4.3 HVACMEP Standards
§ 17-HVACMSS-503 NEMA Frame Motors.
§ HVACMEPES-HVAC-001 Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning
§ HVACMEPES-HVAC-101 Regulated Vendor List for Heating, Ventilating
and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Equipment
5. Responsibilities
5.1 Project Manager
§ To ensure that all preparation and application works are carried out according to
that contact specifications, method statement, HVACMEP Engineering Specification
and manufacturer data sheet.
§ To ensure that the progressing of work is carried out according to the planned
program and as per the approved Method Statement
§ To ensure that all the manpower, equipment and materials required to execute the
Work are available
§ To ensure that all related quality procedures are practiced and implemented
§ To ensure that all safety matters related to this procedure are being observed
5.2 Site Engineer
§ Coordinate all the site activities in accordance with approved IFC, Shop drawings,
project specification, approved method statement and HVACMEP Engineering
§ To provide all necessary information and distribute responsibilities to his team.
§ To monitor the progress of work in relation with work program and to report to
the PM.
§ To ensure that the installer is well trained for this type of work.
§ To coordinate with safety officer and to ensure that the works are carried out in safe
practicing method.
§ Site engineer shall inform mechanical Quality Control Inspector for internal inspection
to check work has been done accordance to IFC, Shop Drawings, HVACMEP
standards prior to preparing internal RFI for inspection and the time schedule.
METHOD STATEMENT for Installation of Air Cooled Condensing Unit
5.3 QC Supervisor
§ Guide the QC Inspectors and monitor their performance at the site
§ Provide his subordinates with latest approved procedures, material submittals and shop
§ Shall maintain proper filing for reports, RFI and NCRs.
§ Maintain records of quality control check sheets/ reports for site tests and inspections.
§ Coordinate with PMT representative the required witnessing of inspection and tests.
§ Carry out surveillance so as to ensure that personal are working in accordance with
approved method statement.
§ Assurances of approved methods are being used for testing and material recipient
§ Verification of material approval and vendor clarification.
5.4 The QC Inspector
§ To ensure full compliance of the work with the related approved method statement
§ Responsible to ensure that the correct, approved sizes and dimensions.
§ Ensure that IFC drawings, Shop drawings displayed on site during installation
§ Ensure that the materials being delivered to site and used are in accordance with
the project specifications, approved material submittal and material receiving RFI.
§ Shall be responsible for the inspection, preparation of RFI all documents and
compiling them for the inclusion in the final documentation packaged.
§ To maintain comprehensive inspection and test records for the purpose of
reference and documentation.
§ Ensure arrangement and location of latest released for construction drawings, and
METHOD STATEMENT for Installation of Air Cooled Condensing Unit
§ Ensure that tools/ equipment used for testing and commissioning purpose is calibrated
and certificates available. (Certificate of calibration tool will be provided during
inspection time separately).
5.5 The Safety Manager / Inspector
§ Ensure that the work is performed under the safety measures of the approved HSE
§ Prior to the commencement of any activities, work force will receive Tool Box on the
project safety requirement .This tool box talk will include both activity issues as well
as general safety requirements.
§ To maintain continuous inspections of the site activities, advise and train the
Involved personnel on daily basis to prevent accidents, personal injury or
Property damage.
5.6 The Site Supervisor/Foreman
§ Shall have the knowledge of installation of Air Cooled Condensing unit (ACCU),
HVAC system in order to explain the method statement to his subordinates.
§ To ensure that work is carried out properly and according to manufacturer
Recommendations and instructions received from the site engineer.
§ To ensure that tools, labor and materials are available.
6. Safety
§ Prior to the commencement of any activities the work force will receive Tool box Talk
on the project safety requirements. This tools box talk will include both activity issues
as well as general safety requirements
METHOD STATEMENT for Installation of Air Cooled Condensing Unit
§ Direct supervisor will ensure that Protection Equipment’s, PPE, are used by site
personnel at all times during this activity
§ Coordinate fully with the safety officer in order to maintain safe working
Condition and proper housekeeping of the site.
§ All equipment and accessories have been certified for their capacity and integrity.
§ Safety and risk assessment shall be performed for every job or task, which has the
potential for harm.
§ All personal are issued with personal protection equipment.
§ Care should be taken while lifting loads.
§ All electrical connections shall be mechanically and electrically sound.
§ Should not impose any appreciable mechanical strain on fixing of the connection and
shall not cause any harmful mechanical damage to the equipment.
§ Transport material in stacked condition and secure all loads adequately before transport.
In case of loading by a loader, no one shall be present inside the vehicle. Do not keep
the truck in running condition while loading.
§ Inspect crane and all lifting tools and tackles before use. Never over load lines obstruct
the equipment movements in case it happens take proper isolation permit from
responsible project engineer.
§ No one should move under load at any circumstances. Engage only experienced to
make lifting arrangement.
§ Select correct type of pulling/ lifting equipment and do not overload the tackles.
7. Procedures:
METHOD STATEMENT for Installation of Air Cooled Condensing Unit
2. Remove shipping screws on wooden pallet and after removing the pallet re-fix the screws.
3. When installing the unit, allow sufficient space around the unit for air circulation, wiring,
refrigerant piping, and servicing. The clearance must be 48 inches (1219 mm) (min.).
4. Above the unit the condensing fans must not be obstructed for airflow clearance and
5. Anti-vibration pads (rubber-in-shear) or other vibration mounts (spring type) are recommended,
especially for roof top installation and adjacent to occupied areas. The number of pads or spring
isolators shall be as MANUFCATURER recommendations.
6. Ensure that the unit is clean and free from any foreign material.
7. Install the refrigerant line. See piping Installation procedure.
8. Install electrical and control wiring in accordance with unit wiring diagrams, NEC and local
9. Check the unit installation, clean the unit removing all work materials and debris.__
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